
4 Amazing Facts about Coconuts Nectar

Coconut tree produces not only fresh coconut water, delicious coconut milk, delicious coconut meat which can be used for various foods. Coconut tree also produces coconut nectar (also known as coconut sap) which has sweet unique taste. Indonesian people usually called it "legen". If it's placed under certain condition, natural fermentation will occurred, resulting a formation of an alcoholic beverage called "tuak". This article is discussing facts about coconuts nectar which can be processed into some amazing culinary products.

The fact is, this coconut nectar can be further processed into some products with higher economical value; coconut syrup, coconut sugar, coconut vinegar and coconut aminos.

Facts about coconuts nectar #1. Coconut Syrup from Coconut Nectar
How to make coconut syrup and what are its benefits can be found in my previous postings. In Indonesia, where there is abundant number of coconut plants, this product has not been popular yet. However, in some countries, that have higher level of healthy living awareness, this product has been popular as the substitute of table cane sugar.
It's simply because of its low glycemic index (35), which will not cause any significant leap of blood sugar level. Besides its low glycemic index, this product is very high in mineral content, amino acid, vitamin B complex and vitamin C.

Facts about coconuts nectar #2. Coconut Sugar from Coconut Nectar
If the above coconut syrup is further crystallized, the result is coconut crystal (also known as ant sugar).
This sugar has the same benefits with coconut syrup, which are; low glycemic index, high content of amino acids, mineral, vitamin B complex and vitamin C.

Facts about coconuts nectar #3. Coconut Vinegar from Coconut Vinegar
Have you ever heard about apple vinegar? This product has been reported of having a good impact of body health. Coconut vinegar can be one of apple vinegar's competitors. It's simply because coconut vinegar was made from raw material that's naturally enriched with mineral and other nutrition.
Coconut vinegar was made by fermenting coconut nectar under certain condition. This product is naturally enriched with potassium and FOS probiotic. Chemically, this product has an acid property. However, coconut vinegar is believed to give natural and good effect on digestion process. It's maybe because of its high content of alkali mineral.

Facts about coconuts nectar #4. Coconut Aminos from Coconut Nectar
Coconut Aminos has been mentioned as the competitor for soy sauce. Coconut sap has been naturally contained with 17 kinds of amino acids. If this coconut sap is combined with mineral rich sea salt, the result is amino sauce which has similar taste with soy sauce. This sauce has been widely used to make salad, sauté vegetables and cook some Chinese culinary.

You can find those amazing products online or in your local Asian grocery store.

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